There are countless ways to live a green life. One way that gets overlooked often: thrifting! Thrifting used to be looked down upon, and considered uncool or cheap, but times are changing as fast as our earth’s climate. These days, there are entire social media accounts...

Hey, take a hike! ‍️‍️ No, really! You don’t need to live in the mountains to go hiking. We’re in the middle of summertime and the temperatures and humidity are high in Texas, so a hike will take a little more planning. Here are the tips we...

Goals are an important part of life. If you’re here, then one of your big goals in life is to help slow down climate change. That means that you are conscious of things like: 💡 Recycling 💡 Reusing things 💡 Turning off lights when you’re not using them 💡 Saving water...

    Happy 4th of July! Today, we celebrate our nation’s independence from Great Britain in the year 1776. People all across the United States of America celebrate this holiday in many ways—usually with family and friends, sharing food, and enjoying a parade or fireworks! Here’s an...