Sustainable Summer with Bernie!

Check out Bernie’s Tips to have a sustainable summer!

  • Throwback to our list of reusable product swaps!
  • Find or host local clean-up events
    • Even if it is just you, your family, and some of your friends picking up trash while on a walk, you are making a difference in the amount of litter out in the world!
  • Utilize the bright sun before turning on lights by opening blinds
    • Natural light is much better than artificial light, and you’ll be saving electricity. 
  • Hang your clothes to dry in the nice weather instead of using the dryer
    • Another way to save electricity, and in Austin Texas, those clothes will be dry in no time during the summer!
  • Buy sunscreen carefully to make sure you are buying one that is non-toxic to the environment 
    • Check out our next blog post to learn more about sunscreen’s effect on the environment. 
  • Start a backyard garden! 
    • Homegrown food tastes better, and it’s a fun hobby!