11 Jan Bernie happily donated to a local book drive!
Bernie’s Escape from Ong Island has recently donated to a local multi-cultural book drive (Fr1ends of the Ch1ldren located at 1023 Springdale Road Austin, TX)! This book drive aims to collect children’s books (pre-K through young adult) that feature BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) characters, authors, and books that feature all diverse cultures. The mission of this book drive is to increase awareness of and access to multi-cultural, multi-ethnic literature that reflects diversity in our communities. If you would like Bernie to also donate to your book drive, please email us at jessicaharrisbooks2020@gmail.com! If you want to purchase our book for this cause, please use the QR code below and email us about where to ship the donation book! Also, all other BIPOC books are welcome as well; please email for more information.