Hey, Take a Hike!

Hey, take a hike! ‍️‍️

No, really! You don’t need to live in the mountains to go hiking. We’re in the middle of summertime and the temperatures and humidity are high in Texas, so a hike will take a little more planning. Here are the tips we have to share to help make your hike enjoyable, and keep it green!

? Fill up your reusable water bottle, and take an extra if you can. When you are halfway through your water, it’s time to turn around and go back.

? Go early in the morning, if possible. This will give you the coolest temperatures of the day before the sun has time to heat things up again. It will also give you more shade thanks to the sun being behind the trees instead of above them.

? Wear sun protection, even if you’re going to be in the shade. The sun’s UV rays are strong so wear sunscreen, or long sleeves and a hat (or even all three)!

? Take a few grocery bags with you and pick up trash you see along the way. #funfact: The people of Sweden call this “plogging.” Gloves are highly recommended.

? Be sure to stop every so often, and look around. Notice the nature you’re in. What birds do you see and hear? What are the trees and bushes like? What smells do you notice? These things build your awareness of the nature you live near and help keep you grounded and relieve stress.

We all benefit when we spend time outdoors, even when it’s hot outside—your body sweats and that’s a great thing! An added bonus: while you’re outside hiking and picking up trash, you aren’t at home using electricity as you scroll on your phones, play video games, or stream Netflix.

It’s a win-win-win for you, the earth, and energy consumption.