Happy New Year! Sustainability goals for heading into 2021

Happy New Year!

If one of your resolutions for this year is to lower your ecological impact, Sammy and Bernie are beyond proud of you! One of the best and more accessible ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to swap out plastics in your home. Look around your bathroom at all of your beauty and hygienic products – a LOT of products use plastic. By Humankind has redesigned beauty and hygienic products to reduce single-use plastic in your daily routine using materials that don’t come from Earth’s expense. You can find toothpaste, floss, hand sanitizer, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, mouth wash, hand soap, and cotton swabs on their website. You can even purchase refills instead of having to get a new container every time! The company’s CEO Brian Bushell claims that “if you switch to our products in your daily morning routine, then you’ll save roughly 5 pounds of single-use plastic waste from entering our environment, over the next 12 months, alone. When enough of us join in, our individual impact will add up to real change”. 

Do you know of any other sustainability initiatives to share with people for the new year? Make a resolution plan and stick to it!